miercuri, 16 octombrie 2013

wxtoimg weather software full program + key [pc&mac]

wxtoimg weather software full + key download 

WXtoImg is a fully automated APT and WEFAX weather satellite (wxsat) decoder. The software supports recording, decoding, editing, and viewing on all versions of Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. WXtoImg supports real-time decoding, map overlays, advanced colour enhancements, 3-D images, animations, multi-pass images, projection transformation (e.g. Mercator), text overlays, automated web page creation, temperature display, GPS interfacing, wide-area composite image creation and computer control for many weather satellite receivers, communications receivers, and scanners.
WXtoImg Version 2.11.2 Beta Available (1 May 2013)
Many improvements, including ALSA audio support under Linux and experimental Raspberry Pi (and other ARM) support can be found in the 2.11.2 beta. Download.
WXtoImg Version 2.10.11 Released
The latest stable version is 2.10.11. Download.
WXtoImg makes use of the 16-bit sampling capabilities of soundcards to provide better decoding than is possible with expensive purpose-designed hardware decoders.
WXtoImg comes in a basic freeware version that provides a large range of features. Improved automation, new enhancements, a wider variety of options, projection transformations and improved quality images from communications receivers and scanners are available by upgrading the software.

Stunning colour images day and night,
real-time display of image data sent from satellite,
creates 3-D images showing cloud layers (requires special glasses for viewing) **,
completely automated recording, decoding, and web page production and publishing (see also Images),
supports a wide range of enhancements.
creates composite images covering a wide area from multiple polar satellite passes **,
creates animated movies from multiple satellite passes **,
works well with communications receivers and scanners (example scanner images) **,
GPS interface for setting position and keeping the PC clock set accurately **, ***,
transforms images to standard map projections (Mercator**, etc.),
overlay maps with adjustable colours, text**, and feature sets,
temperature under cursor display,
satellite elevation and azimuth under cursor **,
latitude and longitude under cursor display **,
distance and bearing from ground station under cursor display **,
IR temperature and sea surface temperature calibration,
command line operation for embedded applications,
support for control of receivers: AOR (AR3000, AR5000, AR8600, etc.), APT-06, Baykal, Bearcat (BC895XLT, BC780XLT, BC785XLT, BC245XLT, etc.), Yaesu (FT-817, FT-847, FT-857, FT-897, VR-5000, etc.), Kenwood (TS-870S, etc.), ICOM (IC-PCR100, IC-PCR1000, IC-PCR1500, IC-PCR2500, IC-R7000, IC-R7100, IC-R8500, IC-R9000, IC-R9500, IC-R10, IC-R20, IC-706, IC-746, IC-7000, IC-910, etc.), PSR-500, R2F, R3F, R2FX, R2ZX, RX2, Timestep PROscan with i-interface, SAN 200, WRX-137, and user supplied external including doppler frequency compensation for narrow bandwidth receivers **, and
support for rotor controllers: CX6DD, DL7AOT, EA4TX (Windows only), EASYCOMM I, GS-232A, ERC-3D, ERC-R, LVB Tracker, RC2800, SAEBRTrack, SatDrive, SPID Rot2Prog, and Satellite Tracker Jr. **.
** features available only in an upgraded version. *** supported under only some OSes.

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